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Showing posts from July, 2023

Invisible Google Recaptcha And Ajax Form

I have an ajax form: And js code: document Solution 1: I agree that "invisible" reca… Read more Invisible Google Recaptcha And Ajax Form

How To Check Multiple Checkboxes In Javascript

I've just started to learn JavaScript and have run into a issue trying to get multiple checkbox… Read more How To Check Multiple Checkboxes In Javascript

Canvas Image Cropper - Canvas.todataurl Is Acting Asynchronously Does This Return Any Kind Of Promise

If I put an alert between 'toDataURL' and a canvas draw using the result then everything pr… Read more Canvas Image Cropper - Canvas.todataurl Is Acting Asynchronously Does This Return Any Kind Of Promise

Two Columns Scrolling Bahevior With Position Sticky

There are two columns that vary in height, sometimes the left is higher, sometimes the right. I wan… Read more Two Columns Scrolling Bahevior With Position Sticky

Javascript File Input Onchange Isn't Triggered When They Select A File With The Same Name

I have a file input in my webpage that allows a user to upload images. I have things set up so that… Read more Javascript File Input Onchange Isn't Triggered When They Select A File With The Same Name

Passing Variable From Fancybox To Parent Page When Closing Fancybox

Hi im trying to send a variable from a child iframe fancybox to the parent. But i cant seem to gras… Read more Passing Variable From Fancybox To Parent Page When Closing Fancybox

Update A Web Page As A Process Runs

I have a page where a multitude of time consuming functions occur. What I would like to do is as ea… Read more Update A Web Page As A Process Runs

How To Create Sliding Div On Click?

I am looking to create a slide out DIV, like the one here when you press 'Contact'. Does an… Read more How To Create Sliding Div On Click?

How To Render Angular Variables Using Innerhtml - Angular2

In my application their is some text which is coming from a constant file which is declared like th… Read more How To Render Angular Variables Using Innerhtml - Angular2

File Missing In Filesystem, Catch On Form Submit

I have a form that I am submitting via jQuery's ajaxSubmit() function. This form includes a fil… Read more File Missing In Filesystem, Catch On Form Submit

How To Configure Checkboxes Materialize Css In Web Application Mvc

How do I configure Checkboxes in Asp.Net MVC Razor. Since in the documentation we have the followin… Read more How To Configure Checkboxes Materialize Css In Web Application Mvc

Pixastic Javascript Library Is Returning False In Image Tag When I Am Trying To Use It In Windows 8 Metro Style App In Javascript?

I am trying to use Pixastic JavaScript library for image manipulation in Windows 8 Metry Style app … Read more Pixastic Javascript Library Is Returning False In Image Tag When I Am Trying To Use It In Windows 8 Metro Style App In Javascript?

Submitting A Form Without Refreshing The Page

I'm having a problem with jQuery(or maybe php). I want forms to be submitted without refreshing… Read more Submitting A Form Without Refreshing The Page

Django Localflavor Usstateselect() Inital Value

I'm trying to use the django localflavor widget USStateSelect() in a form, but I want the widge… Read more Django Localflavor Usstateselect() Inital Value

Custom Scrollbar

Is it possible to replace standard scrollbar (only appearance) with some custom one (the one from h… Read more Custom Scrollbar

How To Sort The Table To Order By Points At End Of Column Using Javascript

I am trying to sort the table using javascript to order by total points at the end. The table is a … Read more How To Sort The Table To Order By Points At End Of Column Using Javascript

Download Attribute Not Working In Firefox But Working In Chrome

This fiddle is not working in firefox but working in chrome. I have tried using this : Click on t… Read more Download Attribute Not Working In Firefox But Working In Chrome

Cross-origin Request Blocked When Geting Xml Data Using Ajax

I am developing hybrid app i want to make my app i have data url as xml format.but when … Read more Cross-origin Request Blocked When Geting Xml Data Using Ajax

Fixed Top Menu On Scroll Doesn't Allow To Reach Screen's Bottom

I have a strange behavior with my fixed top menu. The screen height is dynamic (depends on the numb… Read more Fixed Top Menu On Scroll Doesn't Allow To Reach Screen's Bottom

How To Display Jquery Popup Window With A Text Area And Several Radio Buttons?

I need to display a popup window which will ask user to select one from given radio button options(… Read more How To Display Jquery Popup Window With A Text Area And Several Radio Buttons?

Vue- How To Change Style Of A Same Element In Different Components

I am trying to change the style of a specific div from one component to another. Each component is … Read more Vue- How To Change Style Of A Same Element In Different Components

Html 5 - How To Zoom Canvas Background Image

I am a beginner in HTML 5, I have written a code for canvas zoom but I dont want to zoom actual can… Read more Html 5 - How To Zoom Canvas Background Image

Bootstrap - Fill Fluid Container Between Header And Footer

This may be a very simple question, but I've been out of the CSS scene for awhile and I can'… Read more Bootstrap - Fill Fluid Container Between Header And Footer

Create A Div With Text And Image Scaled To Fit Remaining Space?

I would like a div to contain text and also an image automatically scaled to fit the remaining spac… Read more Create A Div With Text And Image Scaled To Fit Remaining Space?

Using Javascript To Manipulate Html Input (checkbox) Elements Via Type Instead Of Name

I am implementing an HTML form with some checkbox input elements, and I want to have a Select All o… Read more Using Javascript To Manipulate Html Input (checkbox) Elements Via Type Instead Of Name

Cut Out Circular Image In Canvas

I am useing html5 canvas, and I am creating a game were it is going to be possible to upload your f… Read more Cut Out Circular Image In Canvas

Horizontal Toggle Dropdown

I'm trying to create a horizontal dropdown (err.. dropside?). When clicked, it expands to the … Read more Horizontal Toggle Dropdown

Html5 Video Button On Top - Opera Browser

I have video on my website and everything is ok in other browsers but when I checked it on Opera I … Read more Html5 Video Button On Top - Opera Browser

How To Disable An Input Field Using Javascript?

I'm starting with Javascript, I wrote this function: function disableField() { if( document.g… Read more How To Disable An Input Field Using Javascript?

Plain Javascript Code That Does What Queryselector() And Queryselectorall() Does, Include Shadowroots

I am trying to write a method that takes in two params: one of the parentNode of the current elemen… Read more Plain Javascript Code That Does What Queryselector() And Queryselectorall() Does, Include Shadowroots

Append Within Append, Iframe Within Append In Jquery

I've looked at Insert content into iFrame and their fiddle at to … Read more Append Within Append, Iframe Within Append In Jquery

Move Svg Group On Path Trail Based On Percentage Of Whole Path Trail

I am trying to find a way to move an group (id='avatar') inside an SVG with jQuery based on… Read more Move Svg Group On Path Trail Based On Percentage Of Whole Path Trail

How To Customize Number Format In Freemarker?

I am using freemarker and trying to display numbers in this format: $3,343,434.00 for example. This… Read more How To Customize Number Format In Freemarker?

Image Link With $confirmmessage Alert In Cakephp Htmlhelper - Possible?

Is it possible to create an image with a link that also has a pop up alert [$confirmMessage] using … Read more Image Link With $confirmmessage Alert In Cakephp Htmlhelper - Possible?

Jquery Scroll Show Hidden Content

How do I make it so that by default, 6 div elements are shown on the page, and when a user scrolls … Read more Jquery Scroll Show Hidden Content

Css Opacity Property

Hi i am using CSS Opacity Property for a div tag and it works well but the problem is when I write … Read more Css Opacity Property

Canvas Multiple Bouncing Squares - Clearing Canvas

I've created a little bouncing boxes demo in javascript using the canvas. Each box (for want of… Read more Canvas Multiple Bouncing Squares - Clearing Canvas

Bootstrap Row And Col Explanation

Is this valid bootstrap? < Solution 1: Bootstrap has a own Grid-System , which allows you up to… Read more Bootstrap Row And Col Explanation

Rebol / Red Parse Html Rules Returns True But Nothing Is Inserted

I have a parse rules that returns true but it doesn't insert my text as expected : the html is … Read more Rebol / Red Parse Html Rules Returns True But Nothing Is Inserted

Jquery, How Get Checkbox Unchecked Event And Checkbox Value?

I want to get checkbox value using jQuery when to uncheck the checked checkbox and show that unchec… Read more Jquery, How Get Checkbox Unchecked Event And Checkbox Value?

Annotation Color Only Shows When Text Outside Of Google Bar Chart

I have a google bar chart and I am setting the font size and the color, however the color only appl… Read more Annotation Color Only Shows When Text Outside Of Google Bar Chart

Can I Use Variables In Html?

I have 5 .html pages. I have the same navigation for each page. Is there any way I can set a variab… Read more Can I Use Variables In Html?

Pop Up Slider Not Working In Ie. Some Javascript Interfering Css Code. Please Help Me

Hey guys please check this page. Please visit the page using any browser except IE. Click the 4th b… Read more Pop Up Slider Not Working In Ie. Some Javascript Interfering Css Code. Please Help Me

How To Automatically Update/synchronize Html Code From One Page To Another In Dreamweaver Cs5?

I am building a basic website in Dreamweaver CS5 where many of the pages share a lot of the HTML co… Read more How To Automatically Update/synchronize Html Code From One Page To Another In Dreamweaver Cs5?

Tags Get Removed When Using Codesample Plugin With Tinymce

Since 4.3.0 TinyMCE includes Codesample plugin that lets you enter code snippets. This works very w… Read more Tags Get Removed When Using Codesample Plugin With Tinymce

Jquery Dynamic Fill In Form Fields With Table Data

I have created a form in a modal box with a table. When you click on a table row it populates a for… Read more Jquery Dynamic Fill In Form Fields With Table Data

Safari Not Requesting Srcset Images On Resize

I want to provide responsive images, for that I use srcset attribute. <img src='https:/… Read more Safari Not Requesting Srcset Images On Resize

Javascript: How To Copy All Options From One Select Element To Another?

How can I copy all options of one select element to another? Please give me the easiest way, I'… Read more Javascript: How To Copy All Options From One Select Element To Another?

How To Remove Extra Spaces On The Section

I'm trying to removed the extra space underneath the The place to book your radio, podcast and … Read more How To Remove Extra Spaces On The Section

Video Tag Html5 With Src From Base64_encode Not Work On Different Device And Browser

i try this code. <source src='data:video/mp4;base64,AAAA<?php echo chunk_split(base64_… Read more Video Tag Html5 With Src From Base64_encode Not Work On Different Device And Browser

Html Unlimited Hierarchy Input To Form

I want to add form for adding new categories. Categories might have infinitive sub categories. Now… Read more Html Unlimited Hierarchy Input To Form

How To Access Innertext Of Html Tag Inside A Tag

I would like to get some text from a web page containing this. I want to have the piece of informat… Read more How To Access Innertext Of Html Tag Inside A Tag

Adding Small Arrow Under Current Page In Wordpress With Css

I have a menu that has one gradient type for default state, and one for the hover/active state. The… Read more Adding Small Arrow Under Current Page In Wordpress With Css

How Can I Populate Html Table Numbered Rows Based On Whether They Match Row Number?

So, I asked this question earlier this week, and @newfurniturey helped me out, but now I have a new… Read more How Can I Populate Html Table Numbered Rows Based On Whether They Match Row Number?

Function Is Not Defined Referecenerror Onchange In Angularjs

I'm having issues with onchange event for file input. Here is my code: Html: $scope direct… Read more Function Is Not Defined Referecenerror Onchange In Angularjs

Radio Button Style Not Working

Radio button style not working in mozilla. in IE it works HTML CSS .radio { width: 9px; Solut… Read more Radio Button Style Not Working

Bootstrap 3 2-column Form Layout

I am still learning the proper use of Bootstrap 3 and was wondering if you all could help me out. I… Read more Bootstrap 3 2-column Form Layout

Form Is Not Submitting To Database

So after I enter the information on my form it refreshes the new.php page with a new form but doesn… Read more Form Is Not Submitting To Database

Cakephp 3 Date Input Format

im starting upgrading my Cake version from 2.x to 3.x, so my problem is in the date input on the su… Read more Cakephp 3 Date Input Format

Render An Image Binary Data Into A Img Or Canvas Tag

I have a route which I use to request images, something like this: /api/image it returns the body … Read more Render An Image Binary Data Into A Img Or Canvas Tag

Superscript Underline In Ie

I'm going to be brief because I'm short on time, so I apologize if this isn't as detail… Read more Superscript Underline In Ie

Html5 File Api In Firefox Addon Sdk

Is there a way to access Html5 file api in Fire Fox addon sdk in the content script? This is needed… Read more Html5 File Api In Firefox Addon Sdk

Why Are My Web Pages Zoomed In When I Open Them In Opera Mobile?

I am developing a mobile version of web pages. I am testing with a Symbian phone with two browsers.… Read more Why Are My Web Pages Zoomed In When I Open Them In Opera Mobile?