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Safari Not Requesting Srcset Images On Resize

I want to provide responsive images, for that I use srcset attribute.

There is nothing that says that the browser needs to download new images as the viewport changes. In fact, it probably doesn’t make sense to download a new image if the browser already has a larger version of it and can downsize it. So while this may be a feature and not a bug, we could do a better job setting expectations for developers.

In the meantime I would be wary of quoting full support for srcset just yet. In my recent experience it has been anything but.

Solution 2:

Nor does it use 1.1x or higher srcset images on 110% zoom etc. as Chrome does properly.

To make it simple: When I use zoom, the images are unsharp in Safari and sharp in Chrome. Nopthing to discuss there. Safari loses, Chrome wins.

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