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How To Access Innertext Of Html Tag Inside A Tag

I would like to get some text from a web page containing this. I want to have the piece of information with the href='#spec_Brand'.

Solution 1:

Is this what you are trying? (Note: I stored the above html in Cell A1 of Sheet1 for testing). Also I am using Late Binding with IE

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
    Dim ie AsObject
    Dim links As Variant, lnk As Variant

    Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    ie.Visible = True
    ie.navigate "About: Blank"

    ie.document.body.innerhtml = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value

    Set links = ie.document.getElementsByTagName("a")

    For Each lnk In links
        If lnk.classname = "href_icon href_icon_help table_spec_titleimg" Then
            Debug.Print lnk.innertext
        End If
End Sub


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