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Showing posts from May, 2024

Noreversematch At /signup/ - Reverse For '' Not Found

The project I am working on is the blogging website and I am stuck at this signup process, I want i… Read more Noreversematch At /signup/ - Reverse For '' Not Found

Conditional Html Attribute With Html Helper

I am using a Html helper to create a checkbox. Pending some condition, I want to add the disabled a… Read more Conditional Html Attribute With Html Helper

Regex To Extract Attribute Value

What would be a quick way to extract the value of the title attributes for an HTML table: ... Procl… Read more Regex To Extract Attribute Value

Footer Behind Content But Set Px Automatically

This is what I want: from: here But I do it by bootstrap, so I don't know-w… Read more Footer Behind Content But Set Px Automatically

How To Remove Page Element From Search Results / Keywords?

Problem is here. I have simple page with form and not so much other text content. In form I have fo… Read more How To Remove Page Element From Search Results / Keywords?

Including An External Jquery File In Html

So guys, I guess my question is quite understandable: I want to include an external jQuery file int… Read more Including An External Jquery File In Html

Html Parsing With Jsoup

I am trying to parse the html of the following URL:… Read more Html Parsing With Jsoup

Javascript And Anchor Tags, Best Practice?

Quick Question. Should we put Javascript in the HREF or use onClick (event)? Are there any pros/con… Read more Javascript And Anchor Tags, Best Practice?

Keep Menu Item Active After Clicking On Link On Current Page

Basically, I'm trying to add the class active to the current menu item. I succeeded by using th… Read more Keep Menu Item Active After Clicking On Link On Current Page

Hover Over A Tag Class Change Image Src Of Img In Different Element

Say I have something like this: Solution 1: You could add event listeners for mouseover & mous… Read more Hover Over A Tag Class Change Image Src Of Img In Different Element

Visited Links Won't Underline

My visited links for a web project won't underline, however, the rest of the visited modificati… Read more Visited Links Won't Underline

On A Web Page, How Can I Create A Horizontal Scroll Instead Of Having This Wap To The Next Line?

I have a bunch of columns of info that look like this: some stuff so Solution 1: Simpl… Read more On A Web Page, How Can I Create A Horizontal Scroll Instead Of Having This Wap To The Next Line?

How To Extract A Specific Row From A Html Table Using Html::treebuilder

I am very new to the perl programming and now got stuck very badly.Actually i have to parse a html … Read more How To Extract A Specific Row From A Html Table Using Html::treebuilder

Cannot Make Div Width 100% With Scrollbar

I have a page with a DIV and a TABLE. The DIV is my header and I want it to be 100% width even when… Read more Cannot Make Div Width 100% With Scrollbar

Compute The Average Height And The Average Width Of Div Tag

I have need to get the average div height and width of an html doc. I have try this solution but it… Read more Compute The Average Height And The Average Width Of Div Tag

How To Center A Wrapper-div And Not The Content

I want my page to always be centered in the browser without affecting the content( like align-text:… Read more How To Center A Wrapper-div And Not The Content

Visual Studio Not Displaying Svg Image As Background

I have a project with a html file(Html 5). I am trying to set the SVG as background of my b… Read more Visual Studio Not Displaying Svg Image As Background

How To Delete The Textbox Dynamically In A Div Using Javascript

How to Delete the TextBox in a DIV using javascript. First I created the four column in a div and I… Read more How To Delete The Textbox Dynamically In A Div Using Javascript

Javascript/html: Using Id Vs. Class When Naming

I am starting to learn some Javascript using Meteor and am looking at their examples. One bug that … Read more Javascript/html: Using Id Vs. Class When Naming

Dynamic Drop Down List In Coldfusion 9

Alright so people were not understanding clearly my question, so I removed the url where there was … Read more Dynamic Drop Down List In Coldfusion 9

Using Python To Submit A Web Form With Liburl Or Requests

I am trying to submit a form on the webpage and get to the html of the next page after the form is … Read more Using Python To Submit A Web Form With Liburl Or Requests

Jquery Get Position Of Character In A Div?

Hi Guys [and girls] :) Just wondering whether it's possible to get the absolute positiong of a … Read more Jquery Get Position Of Character In A Div?

Unicode Characters In A Url (all Ok - Except For Ie)

I have some simple HTML which has a link to another HTML file - but that file name contains a unico… Read more Unicode Characters In A Url (all Ok - Except For Ie)

Change Div Order On Responsive Design

I am creating a responsive design website. Basically when the view port is lower than X I want to s… Read more Change Div Order On Responsive Design

Change Button Text In Meteor With Js

My button on click show and hide div that contains comment section. Now I want to make him to chang… Read more Change Button Text In Meteor With Js

Dynamically Filter Rows Of A Html Table Using Javascript

So I have this table: Broj_pu Naziv_pu ID Solution 1: This question is reminding me of how java sc… Read more Dynamically Filter Rows Of A Html Table Using Javascript

Php Within Html Not Working Using Flask

I have just recently started playing around with Flask and have no previous html/php experience, so… Read more Php Within Html Not Working Using Flask

Can I Programmatically Traverse A Css Stylesheet?

jQuery provides a nice, neat way to traverse the DOM...what I'm looking for is a way to travers… Read more Can I Programmatically Traverse A Css Stylesheet?

Execution Order Within Js Script

I am currently trying to create a website which gets its information live from an API. For this, I … Read more Execution Order Within Js Script

Linkedin Scraping Not Getting All Data

From a linkedin site like:… Read more Linkedin Scraping Not Getting All Data

Can't Scroll Iframe On Mobile Ios Safari

Even with overflow set to scroll, can't get the google forms iframe in an overlay to scroll, in… Read more Can't Scroll Iframe On Mobile Ios Safari

The Script Does Not Work In Ie. How Can I Fix It?

There is a script that changes the page template depending on the user's monitor screen resolut… Read more The Script Does Not Work In Ie. How Can I Fix It?

Hide A Html Button Based On A If-condition

I have a JSP page which includes a button called 'Download'.I want to hide this button base… Read more Hide A Html Button Based On A If-condition

How To Get Names Of All Files In The Input That Has The Multiple Attribute?

I have a input with the multiple attribute on my page: If the user selects, let's say, 3 fil… Read more How To Get Names Of All Files In The Input That Has The Multiple Attribute?

Javascript Zoom On Different Tabs

I have made a simple zoom in and out function with button as well as mousewheel function. The main … Read more Javascript Zoom On Different Tabs

How To Access Jquery Dynamically Generted Elements

I have this code. Read more How To Access Jquery Dynamically Generted Elements

Ember Js - Jquery Hover Effects Stop Working After Element Is Hidden And Redisplayed By Ember {{/if}} Conditional

I want my jquery function to still work even after the element with the function is hidden and resh… Read more Ember Js - Jquery Hover Effects Stop Working After Element Is Hidden And Redisplayed By Ember {{/if}} Conditional

Alt? Longdesc? Title? What Goes Where, Especially For Image-heavy Sites?

So I've been trying to make my site as accessible as possible (for non-JavaScript users, web cr… Read more Alt? Longdesc? Title? What Goes Where, Especially For Image-heavy Sites?

Programmatically Load Css Using Js

I am trying to achieve the following: I have a server-side script that generates CSS code dependin… Read more Programmatically Load Css Using Js

Windows Phone 8 Highlight Colors In Input Fields

in internet explorer 10 (mobile version), a selectbox () gets highlighted blue as soon as it gets f… Read more Windows Phone 8 Highlight Colors In Input Fields

Surround Existing Node With Another Node With Agility Pack

How would you go about surrounding all tables with a node? This apparently does not do it: if (old… Read more Surround Existing Node With Another Node With Agility Pack

Selecting An Option Based On The Value Of Its Data Attribute

I want to choose (aka jQuery preselect) and set the value based on data variable. The list has 3 it… Read more Selecting An Option Based On The Value Of Its Data Attribute

How To Create An Paypal Button With Overwritable Variables

Hello I would like to create a paypal buy button which has a dynamic set amount. I would like to p… Read more How To Create An Paypal Button With Overwritable Variables

Scraping A Website With Clickable Content In Python

I would like to scrap the content a the following website:… Read more Scraping A Website With Clickable Content In Python

Extract Text From "

" Html Tag

I have a string : Copy In this way you can get the value as required. You can get more help from th… Read more Extract Text From "

" Html Tag

How Do I Make A Table Scrollable

Does anyone know a vanilla way of making the body of a table scrollable using only html and css? Th… Read more How Do I Make A Table Scrollable

Label Inside Updatepanel Will Not Show Value Assigned From Code-behind

I'm at my wits end here. I've defined a user control for a modal that lets users change a p… Read more Label Inside Updatepanel Will Not Show Value Assigned From Code-behind

How To Add A Download Music Link On Webpage?

I want to show user a popup like shown below when he clicks on a 'Download music' link? If… Read more How To Add A Download Music Link On Webpage?

Todo List Sanitizing Input Jquery

I am working on a simple to do app. Everything works, except, if the user inputs an html element in… Read more Todo List Sanitizing Input Jquery