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Visual Studio Not Displaying Svg Image As Background

I have a project with a html file(Html 5). I am trying to set the SVG as background of my body tag using the CSS 3. I have my file like this. In my Style.css. when i doub

Solution 1:

My workaround for this was to create my own httphandler locally which overwrote the content-type for svg.

publicclassSvgHandler : IHttpHandler

    publicbool IsReusable
        get { returnfalse; }

    publicvoidProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
        context.Response.ContentType = "image/svg+xml";

and in web.config i added:

<httpHandlers><addverb="*"path="*.svg"type="SvgHandler" /></httpHandlers>

with this solution you don't have to use IIS express, you can just use the regular development server in visual studio 2010

Solution 2:

The built-in Visual Studio web server only has a limited set of mime-types it can serve. SVG is not one of them.

See here for a concise answer:

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