Bootstrap 3: Remove Bottom Margin From The Columns At The Bottom Of Row
Solution 1:
Well, in case you want the wrapper to have some padding, a super quick-fix would be to set the bottom padding to be equal (initial padding - margin bottom of columns). On your example it's just gonna be padding-bottom: 0
for your wrapper. This is definitely not an ultimate fix, but is super simple and works in described case.
Here's a fiddle:
Solution 2:
Assuming you don't change the number of columns, nth child selectors could help:
//mobile and tablet view@media(max-width:992px) {
.mb:nth-last-child(-n+2) {
//wider views@media(min-width:993px) {
.mb:nth-last-child(-n+3) {
EDIT: Updated your fiddled to show this in effect:
Again, only for this specific layout. For variable columns layouts, you have to solve in a wrapper or through JS.
EDIT2: from reading your other comments, you could use a wrapper adjustment class on selective rows: This doesn't require any new HTML.
Solution 3:
@Antonio, in order to remove the bottom-margin dynamically you gotta use jQuery/JavaScript. On appropriate event add the class which has margin-bottom:0px.
CSS Code:
JavaScript Code: [Ensure to add an id to the wrapper]
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('wrapper').className = 'removeBottomPadding';
jQuery Code:
$(function() {
That's all.
Good luck & hope that helps.
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