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Put Line Break In Node Labels In Networkd3 Sankey Diagram

++++++++++++++++ Update: I think the answer to my question is that you can't put line breaks in. A colleague pointed out to me the node labels are SVG blocks, which don't support l

Solution 1:

You could replace the SVG text elements with <foreignObject> blocks of text/html. This example would need a lot of additional formatting/positioning to be useful, but it demonstrates that it is possible...


links <- data.table(
  src = rep(0:4, times=c(1,1,2,3,5)),
  target = sample(1:11, 12, TRUE),
  value = sample(100, 12)
)[src < target, ]  # no loops
nodes <- data.table(name=LETTERS[1:12])

## Add text to label
txt <- links[, .(total = sum(value)), by=c('target')]
nodes[txt$target+1L, name := paste0(name, '<br>(', txt$total, ')')]

## Displays the counts as part of the labels
sn <- sankeyNetwork(Links=links, Nodes=nodes, Source='src', Target='target',
              Value='value', NodeID='name', fontSize=16, width=600, height=300)

  function(el,x) {
    d3.selectAll(".node text").remove()
      .attr("width", 100)
      .attr("height", 50)
      .html(function(d) { return; })

enter image description here

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