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How To Reverse The Direction In Html5 Range Input?

To have a slidebar in HTML5, we may use range input. i.e. The default behavior is to have minimum value on the left

Solution 1:

This might do the trick: setting the direction of the input to be right to left on the CSS

#reversedRange {
  direction: rtl

See sample code below:

PS the javascript/jquery code is only to illustrate the values changing and it's not needed. Only the CSS and the id attribute on the input element

Updated: based on comments by @MCTaylor17 (thanks)

$(function() {
  $("#reversedRange").on('change input', function() {
#reversedRange {
  direction: rtl
<div>value: <spanid="rangeValue"></span></div>

Solution 2:

This is simply do with CSS and pure JavaScript. I hope this snippet will help you.


   -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);
   -moz-transform: rotateY(180deg);
   -ms-transform: rotateY(180deg);
   -o-transform: rotateY(180deg);
   transform: rotateY(180deg);

<h3>Value: <spanid="Range_Value">0</span></h3>

Solution 3:

Another way without changing the way the range looks or works:

$("#reversedRange").on('change input', function() {
  var output = Math.abs($(this).val());
<scriptsrc=""></script><inputtype="range"min="-5"max='0'value="-5"step="1"id="reversedRange"><h3>Selected Value is: <spanid="rangeValue"></span></h3>

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