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How To Get Data From Form To Javascript And Redirect To Another Page?

I have a html5 form with name, surname ect. The reason why I'm using a form is so that the user has to fill in everything, for that I'm using required. I want to save all the data

Solution 1:

var submit = function () { = document.getElementById('Name').value;

    // Save all the other fields// You either return a non-false value here and let the form submit// Or you return false and do a window.location change 

window.onload = function () {
    var form = document.getElementById('TheForm');

    if (form.attachEvent) {
        form.attachEvent('submit', submit);
    } else {
        form.addEventListener('submit', submit);

Solution 2:

Try this

Java Script

functionstoreDetails() {
    if(typeof(Storage)!=="undefined") {
       localStorage.setItem('name', document.getElementById('Name').value));                              
       //code to store other values will go here
    } else {
        alert('Your browser do not support local storage');


<form id="TheForm" method="post" onsubmit="javascript:storeDetails();" action=" ">
   <input type="text"id="Name" placeholder="*Förnamn" required >
   <input type="text"id="Surname" placeholder="*Efternamn" required >
   <input type="email"id="FirstEmail" placeholder="*e-postadress" autocomplete="on" required >
   <input type="email"id="SecondEmail" placeholder="*Verifiera e-postadress" autocomplete="off" required >
   <input type="text"id="Address" placeholder="*Adress" required >
   <input type="submit"id="Submit" onclick="function()" value="Skicka">

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