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How We Can Download A Html Page Using Java?

How we can Download a HTML Page using JAVA??

Solution 1:

Here is the code:

publicstatic String savePage(final String URL)throws IOException {
    Stringline="", all = "";
    try {
        myUrl = newURL(URL);
        in = newBufferedReader(newInputStreamReader(myUrl.openStream()));

        while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
            all += line;
    } finally {
        if (in != null) {

    return all;

Now you can process one line after one other in the while loop.

Solution 2:

If you can use Groovy, which compiles to java bytecode, you can fetch a page like this:

Stringtext = new URL("").text

Solution 3:

If you have more requirements, like authentication, you can use HttpClient

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