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How To Validate A User's Birth Date In Javascript With A Regular Expression?

How to validate a user's birth date with a Regular Expression in JavaScript? Is test a preferred method for validating user input with a Regular Expression?

Solution 1:

There are several issues:

  • You pass a Date to the regex test method, but you should really pass the input string.
  • Several variables are not defined, including result, birthday, todayYear.
  • The cutoff points seem to be defined as numbers (number of years), but in the if conditions they are treated as dates. This cannot work. You should really subtract a number of years from the current date (resulting in a date). Just comparing calendar years is not a right method to determine someone's age. At the time of writing, someone born in January 2000 is older than 19, while someone born in December 2000 is younger than 19.
  • An error message saying that the date is not a number is misleading to the user who had entered "13/13/1990". It should just say the date is invalid.
  • The regex should require that the input does not contain other things than just the date -- it should use ^ and $ anchors
  • The dd/mm/yyyy format is ambiguous. When passed to new Date, it will be interpreted as mm/dd/yyyy. Better first convert it to some standard format like YYYY-MM-DD. The code below does this conversion of the dd/mm/yyyy input to the YYYY-MM-DD format, before passing it to the Date constructor.

Also, since there is nothing dynamic in your regex, you can just use a regex literal, instead of calling the RegExp constructor.

Here is the corrected code:

functionmyValidator() {
  var birthday = document.getElementById("dob").value; // Don't get Date yet...var regexVar = /^([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{4})$/; // add anchors; use literalvar regexVarTest = regexVar.test(birthday); // pass the string, not the Datevar userBirthDate = newDate(birthday.replace(regexVar, "$3-$2-$1")); // Use YYYY-MM-DD formatvar todayYear = (newDate()).getFullYear(); // Always use FullYear!!var cutOff19 = newDate(); // should be a Date
  cutOff19.setFullYear(todayYear - 19); // ...var cutOff95 = newDate();
  cutOff95.setFullYear(todayYear - 95);
  if (!regexVarTest) { // Test this before the other tests
    dobErrMsg.innerHTML = "enter date of birth as dd/mm/yyyy";
  } elseif (isNaN(userBirthDate)) {
    dobErrMsg.innerHTML = "date of birth is invalid";
  } elseif (userBirthDate > cutOff19) {
    dobErrMsg.innerHTML = "you have to be older than 19";
  } elseif (userBirthDate < cutOff95) {
    dobErrMsg.innerHTML = "you have to be younger than 95";
  } else {
    dobErrMsg.innerHTML = "";
  return userBirthDate; // Return the date instead of an undefined variable
<p><labelfor="dob">Date of Birth</label><inputtype="text"name="dob"id="dob"maxlength="10"placeholder="dd/mm/yyyy"pattern="([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{4})"required="required" /><spanid="dobErrMsg"></span></p><buttononclick="myValidator()">Run validation</button>

As to the meaning of "older than 19": if this means that a person should be 20 years or older (and not just 19 plus one day), than don't subtract 19, but subtract 20.

Solution 2:

There are some issues in your code as explained in the comments for missing initialization of some variables.

However the issue with regex is, when you do


it results to

Sat Jul 03 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0530 

This is why your regex which should pass a value such as 07/03/2010 is not passing the change value. You need to run the regex on the direct value of


So it should be something like

var userBirthDate = document.getElementById("dob").value;
var regexVar = newRegExp("([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{4})");
var regexVarTest = regexVar.test(userBirthDate);

functionmyValidator() {
  var userBirthDate = document.getElementById("dob").value;
  var regexVar = newRegExp("([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{4})");
  var regexVarTest = regexVar.test(userBirthDate);
<p><labelfor="dob">Date of Birth</label><inputtype="text"name="dob"id="dob"maxlength="10"requiredplaceholder="dd/mm/yyyy"pattern="([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{4})"/><spanid="dobErrMsg"></span></p><buttononclick="myValidator()">Run validation</button>

Solution 3:

functionmyValidator() {
      var result = true;
      var birthday = document.getElementById("dob").valuevar regexVar = newRegExp("(([012]{1})?[0-9]{1}|[3]?[01]{1})\/(([0]{1})?[0-9]{1}|[1]{1}?[012]{1})\/([12]{1}[09]{1}[0-9]{2})");
      var regexVarTest = regexVar.test(birthday);
      //if format is validif (regexVarTest){
        var date_array = birthday.split('/')
        var userBirthDate = newDate(date_array[2], parseInt(date_array[1])-1, date_array[0]);
        var userage = userBirthDate.getFullYear();
        var todayYear = newDate().getFullYear()
        var cutOff19 = todayYear - 19;
        var cutOff95 = todayYear - 95;
      dobErrMsg.innerHTML = "";
      if (regexVarTest == false) {
        dobErrMsg.innerHTML = "enter date of birth as dd/mm/yyyy";
        result = false;
      } elseif (isNaN(Date.parse(date_array[2]+'-'+date_array[1]+'-'+date_array[0])) || newDate(date_array[2]+'-'+date_array[1]+'-'+date_array[0]).getDate() != parseInt(date_array[0])){
        dobErrMsg.innerHTML = "enter valid date";
        result = false;
      } elseif (userage >= cutOff19) {
        dobErrMsg.innerHTML = "you have to be older than 19";
        result = false;
      } elseif (userage <= cutOff95) {
        dobErrMsg.innerHTML = "you have to be younger than 95";
        result = false;
      return result;
<p><labelfor="dob">Date of Birth</label><inputtype="text"name="dob"id="dob"maxlength="10"placeholder="dd/mm/yyyy"pattern="([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{4})"required="required" /><spanid="dobErrMsg"></span></p><buttononclick="myValidator()">Run validation</button>

I think you are looking for this. Let me know if that solve your problem.

Update: I have update date validation which was missing till now.

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