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Showing posts from February, 2024

Max Length Of Textarea Is Not Working On Ie8

From research on internet, max length attribute is not working on IE 8 and 9 To resolve the proble… Read more Max Length Of Textarea Is Not Working On Ie8

Checkbox Unchecking Itself After Angularjs Filter Applied

This causes the same item to be added to the array - which is used for querying - potentially twice… Read more Checkbox Unchecking Itself After Angularjs Filter Applied

Image Saved Con Amazon S3 Bucket Not Showing On Html5 Canvas. Crossorigin Issue

I have an image saved on my AWS S3 bucket. This is my CORS configuration: * Solution 1: Seems the … Read more Image Saved Con Amazon S3 Bucket Not Showing On Html5 Canvas. Crossorigin Issue

Display Json Data Using Jquery In Html Page

Read more Display Json Data Using Jquery In Html Page

Noscript Tag, I Need To Present Alternative Html If Not Enabled

Is it possible to replace javascript w/ HTML if JavaScript is not enabled on the user's browser… Read more Noscript Tag, I Need To Present Alternative Html If Not Enabled

Close Modal Upon Click Outside (css + Html Only)

Greetings and thank you in advance Summary Modal Works like a charm (close button works fine too) … Read more Close Modal Upon Click Outside (css + Html Only)

Slick Slider Wrong Width On Initialization

I am trying to implement Slick slider, but calculated width of each slide is wrong (padding on righ… Read more Slick Slider Wrong Width On Initialization

Having Issues With My

I have a 3 container structure. container 1 is of x height...container 2 fills the rest of the win… Read more Having Issues With My

Altering Margin In Figure Tag

I just began employing the figure and figcaption tag into a project, but have run into an issue I c… Read more Altering Margin In Figure Tag

Flex-grow Isn't Rendering Correctly In Internet Explorer 11 (ie11)

I tried a new html design with flex boxes. The design in Chrome 58 Version 58.0.3029.110 is correct… Read more Flex-grow Isn't Rendering Correctly In Internet Explorer 11 (ie11)

How To Add A Column Sum Feature To My Datatable?

I have created a datatable which has a multi search feature in the footer and I would like to have … Read more How To Add A Column Sum Feature To My Datatable?

Javascript Image Loader Isn't Working

I am trying to make really simple image loader for my game but I can't find out why this isn… Read more Javascript Image Loader Isn't Working

Crop Image In Css

I've created a two-column grid of images, which works fine with all-landscape images: Link. How… Read more Crop Image In Css

Why Does Margin-top Affect The Placement Of An Absolute Div?

I have two divs in this jsFiddle - - with absolute positioning. I did… Read more Why Does Margin-top Affect The Placement Of An Absolute Div?

Getting The Html Source Code Of A Loaded Uiwebview

How can I get the HTML source code of a UIWebView and store it in NSString? Solution 1: If you wan… Read more Getting The Html Source Code Of A Loaded Uiwebview

Change Password In Mysql Table?

Hi im having a problem with my change password script. im trying to allow a user to change their pa… Read more Change Password In Mysql Table?

Dropdown Menu Issues In Chrome - Not Dropping Down Properly

I have made a navbar at the top of my website which contains multiple buttons. One of the buttons r… Read more Dropdown Menu Issues In Chrome - Not Dropping Down Properly

How To Float The Background Image To The Left Side?

I have section which I want add a background image placed on the left side Here is jsfidlle of wha… Read more How To Float The Background Image To The Left Side?

Can't Get A Div Background Colour To Fill Full Width Of Viewport

I'm trying to fill a certain part of the page with a background color. I want the background co… Read more Can't Get A Div Background Colour To Fill Full Width Of Viewport

Background Image Disappears When Changing Its Background-position?

Okay so I have a list of links, like so item1 item2 item3 and I have a 340x40 (34 Solution 1: ho… Read more Background Image Disappears When Changing Its Background-position?

Remove Specific Html Tags Using Php

Since I dont want to use stip_tags function of php instead of I want to replace to empty string s… Read more Remove Specific Html Tags Using Php

Awkward Spacing Between 2 Column List Items

I have a list of ingredients in a two-column layout, using flex-box. When an ingredient is long eno… Read more Awkward Spacing Between 2 Column List Items

How To Remove Spaces In Twig

What i need i need to remove the spaces from html . i need like -- data---- extra spaces are … Read more How To Remove Spaces In Twig

Jquery Insert Cell To Specific Position Of Tr Value And Td Value

I am having a table contain the following structure: The status in thead having value with unique … Read more Jquery Insert Cell To Specific Position Of Tr Value And Td Value

Bind Json Object As A Value In Angularjs Html Select - Dropdown

I'm having a JSON collection $scope.person = [ { 'Id': 1 'Name&… Read more Bind Json Object As A Value In Angularjs Html Select - Dropdown

Send Sms To Multiple Recipients Using Sms Url In Iphone

How do I send SMS to multiple recipients using SMS url in iPhone? I am trying this but it doesn… Read more Send Sms To Multiple Recipients Using Sms Url In Iphone

How To Add Elements Around An Already Center-justified Element?

I have created a form with some text elements aligned vertically like so: They are centered horizo… Read more How To Add Elements Around An Already Center-justified Element?

How Do I Take Code From Codepen, And Use It Locally?

How do I take the code from codepen, and use it locally in my text-editor?… Read more How Do I Take Code From Codepen, And Use It Locally?

How To Layout Image So It Is To Left Of Ad Space And Yet Centered Using Flexbox

I have the following HTML: I am trying to make it so I have 2 'sections' (the header and t… Read more How To Layout Image So It Is To Left Of Ad Space And Yet Centered Using Flexbox

Rotate Objects In A Specific Axis And Stop

I am not the author of this question, but it was only made in this link in the Portuguese Stackover… Read more Rotate Objects In A Specific Axis And Stop

Html5 Audio Not Working In Ie7 Or Ie8

When testing in IE7/8 my script crashes and I get this error... SCRIPT438: Object doesn't supp… Read more Html5 Audio Not Working In Ie7 Or Ie8

How To Delete Data From Database By Using Radio Button In Php?

Actually here is the main problem. It does not get the value of '$radio[$i]' statement that… Read more How To Delete Data From Database By Using Radio Button In Php?

Mystery Margin Or Padding On List

I cannot figure out where the padding is coming from the on the left of the list between each one: … Read more Mystery Margin Or Padding On List

Applying A Backdrop-filter: Blur(); To An Svg Path

I am trying to recreate an effect in CSS using an SVG. We have text saved as an SVG and needing to … Read more Applying A Backdrop-filter: Blur(); To An Svg Path

Animate Some Divs Only Once

I am trying to animate some divs after the user scrolls to a specific position on the page. the pro… Read more Animate Some Divs Only Once

Bootstrap Nav Disappears On Resize

I have a Bootstrap 3 navbar. When I scale the browser window to a low resolution or access the page… Read more Bootstrap Nav Disappears On Resize

Jquery.on "touchstart Mousedown" - Both Events Are Triggered On Touchscreen Device

My problem is I cannot cancel the mousedown event that's fired after touchstart has been trigge… Read more Jquery.on "touchstart Mousedown" - Both Events Are Triggered On Touchscreen Device

Want To Fetch Data From Database Based On Dropdown List Selection Using Php

I have a php file and mysql database with fields named planname and price,and i want a dropdown lis… Read more Want To Fetch Data From Database Based On Dropdown List Selection Using Php

Eliminate Render-blocking Javascript And Css

I am having a trouble with figuring out what 'this spsefic outcome' in Google PageSpeed Tes… Read more Eliminate Render-blocking Javascript And Css

Vis-network.js Suppress Border From Showing Up

There is a simple example for vis-network.js which generates this: Network | Basic usage Solution … Read more Vis-network.js Suppress Border From Showing Up

The Globalcompositeoperation Affected To All Layers?

I have got a simple code and i want create mask for the player. ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, c… Read more The Globalcompositeoperation Affected To All Layers?

Load The Video Element Last

I've got a video element at the top of my page, I was wondering if theres any way to load it af… Read more Load The Video Element Last

Using Only Cr As Linebreak Inside Pre Tag Doesn't Work

At work, we stumbled upon Bugzilla creating HTML output that led to lines much too long because the… Read more Using Only Cr As Linebreak Inside Pre Tag Doesn't Work

Place Elements With Multiple Styles Overlap

I need help placing my items. I'm just starting out so I need explanations. What will seem obvi… Read more Place Elements With Multiple Styles Overlap

How To Hide Url From Users When Submitting This Form?

I have a form with many many fields... When submitting these fields, I use the POST method which hi… Read more How To Hide Url From Users When Submitting This Form?

Custom Scrollbars

In my application, where ever the scrollbar comes it should be changed to the custom scrollbar.Is t… Read more Custom Scrollbars

Understanding Flex-grow

I have 3 divs and if I give flex: 0.5 to first two divs, the last div should move to the next line … Read more Understanding Flex-grow

Apply Position: Sticky To Child Of A Div

Position: sticky doesn't seem to work for me when I apply it to a child of a div. How to solve?… Read more Apply Position: Sticky To Child Of A Div

Tag Invisible In Ios & Android Devices Browsers

Tag invisible in IOS & Android devices browsers code is as follows html css .separator_borde… Read more
Tag Invisible In Ios & Android Devices Browsers

Conditional Format Html Table Rows With Python

I must conditionally format rows of an html table that is generated with Python. I previously had t… Read more Conditional Format Html Table Rows With Python

Jquery Ajax Unlimited Dynamic Selectbox Based On Parent Categories

I have a table for category : | category_id | category_name | parent_id | 1 | Electronics… Read more Jquery Ajax Unlimited Dynamic Selectbox Based On Parent Categories

Build Regex To Find And Replace Invalid Html Attributes

The sad truth about this post is that I have poor regex skills. I recently came across some code i… Read more Build Regex To Find And Replace Invalid Html Attributes

Is It Possible To Capture Mouse Events On A Scroll Bar In Javascript

I have an HTML element with overflow: scroll. The click event listener registered with the element … Read more Is It Possible To Capture Mouse Events On A Scroll Bar In Javascript

Generate N Number Of Table Rows Depending On Value Of Input Jquery

Floor Nam Solution 1: see your updated fiddle: i first added the … Read more Generate N Number Of Table Rows Depending On Value Of Input Jquery

Css Div Border Around Child Divs

I have one container div, which contains 3 divs inside it. When i write border:1px solid red for co… Read more Css Div Border Around Child Divs

Menu Items Not Showing Up Properly As A Mega Menu

I need to make a mega menu similar to one as show in image below So far i have been able to make i… Read more Menu Items Not Showing Up Properly As A Mega Menu

Css - Inline Elements Ignoring Line-height

I'm having trouble figuring out why inline elements ignore line-height in some browsers (Chrome… Read more Css - Inline Elements Ignoring Line-height

Custom Google Map Won't Show In Div Element

I'm trying to customize google map but I have a small problem. Here is the css code: #map-canva… Read more Custom Google Map Won't Show In Div Element

Uncheck Checkbox When Certain Values From Drop Down Is Chosen

I need to uncheck my checkbox when i choose a certain value from my drop down list or when the user… Read more Uncheck Checkbox When Certain Values From Drop Down Is Chosen