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Conditional In-line Css For Ie And Others?

I was looking at the source code for this site. As you scroll down, the page changes based on your current scroll position - makes for a nice effect. Looking at the source for the

Solution 1:

I think NO, You can't use Conditional-CSS as in-line.

But If you want to specify css-style according browser, here some css-hacks available:

Css Hacks

Browser specific CSS-Hacks

Solution 2:

Conditionals are HTML not CSS that said, I am pretty sure you cannot do inline conditionals as you have shown.

The HTML redirects users to specific style sheets to handle the IE side of the world, since IE is the only browser that supports these conditional statements.

Most likely there is a script that is detecting the browser, and updating the code on the fly as needed.

Solution 3:

there is nothing like inline conditional css, only ie has conditional statements upto IE9, onlycoin uses javascript to achieve the inline css.

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