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Ie11 Not Displaying Image With Object Tag Through Web Server But Fine Locally

Issue: When viewing an image setup as data through an object tag, Internet Explorer 11 does not display it when viewing through the web server. Here is the entire code:

Solution 1:

The issue here is that IE issues a HEAD request to determine the content type of the target resource. Your server is configured to reject HEAD requests (which is a bad configuration) and thus it results in a HTTP error instead of the proper response.

You may be able to avoid this request by changing your tag thusly:

<objectdata="../../square.svg" classid="clsid:30590066-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b" type="image/svg+xml">Nope</object>

...but I'd probably just reconfigure the server to not forbid the HEAD method.

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