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Disable Anchor Menu Click On Mobile Devices

I'm using a nested list as a menu with sub menu items. I used to do it where if you hovered over main menu item, the sub menu items would appear by changing the display from none t

Solution 1:

The trick is to prevent a click on any .menu_parent element's first inner a anchor using CSS pointer-events: none;on mobile

@media (max-width: 768px)  { /* Small devices */li.menu_parent > a {    // If LI element is parent to a submenupointer-events: none; // prevent it's immediate A child to follow HREFcursor: default;     


:hover will still work as usual on larger screens and a click will follow a link. On smaller @media devices - any element that is .menu_parent parent will have clicks disabled on it's > immediate a child, allowing the sub menu to open (instead of triggering the HREF follow)

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