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Width: Calc() On Img Is Not Relative To Parent Container

I'm currently working on a layout where I have to use negative margins on the images. The images are inside
, which has a padding. To make the imag

Solution 1:

MDN calc():

The + and - operators must always be surrounded by whitespace. The operand of calc(50% -8px) for instance will be parsed as a percentage followed by a negative length, an invalid expression, while the operand of calc(50% - 8px) is a percentage followed by a minus sign and a length. Even further, calc(8px + -50%) is treated as a length followed by a plus sign and a negative percentage. The * and / operators do not require whitespace, but adding it for consistency is allowed, and recommended.

The + operator must be surrounded by whitespace.

Therefore it should be width: calc(100% + 0.75em) rather than calc(100%+0.75em)

body {
.entry-content {
    padding: 00.75em;
.entry-contentimg {
    margin: 0 -0.75em;
    width: calc(100% + 0.75em);
<divclass="entry-content"><p><imgsrc="//" /></p></div>

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