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Html Table Wont Fit Whole Screen No Matter What

Basically, I have a table on my website that wont fit 100% width of the browser screen. Even when I change the width to 110% it simply overlaps the right side but still has a margi

Solution 1:

DOn't forget to add a margin: 0; to the <body> tag!

Solution 2:

There is a default margin on the body that needs to be removed.

Add the following css to the <head>

<styletype="text/css">body {margin:0;} 


<styletype="text/css">body {margin:10px;}
    table {margin:0 -10px;}

Solution 3:

I had this once too: the solution was to set the body's margin and padding to 0. (Perhaps width to 100% helps too.)

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