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How To Change State Of A Switch Dynamically Using Jquery?

I have a switch icon purely designed in CSS. I got the design for switch from this page and some added modifications on the swi

Solution 1:

Actually, I was just doing this last night on the same slider that you are.

the way to do it is

checked = ...; //boolean

To check slider on/off, use


Solution 2:

You have a hidden checkbox which toggles the switch. So doing this will toggle it on:

$('#togBtn').prop('checked', true);

and off:

$('#togBtn').prop('checked', false);

EDIT: Added full code

So your full code would be:

if ( == "t") {
    $('#togBtn').prop('checked', true);
elseif ( == "f") {
    $('#togBtn').prop('checked', false);

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