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How Can I Set Class="active" To Navigation Menu In Codeigniter?

I just start up to be a web developer. Now I create a dynamic website for the first time. I don't know how to set class='active' to the navigation menu. Here is my menu code:

Solution 1:

You can use $this->uri->segment();

<li><ahref="<?phpecho base_url(); ?>patient/createpatient"<?phpif($this->uri->segment(1)=="menu_name"){echo'class="active"';}?> ><iclass="fa fa-users fa-lg"></i> Create Patient </a></li><?php } ?><li><ahref="<?phpecho base_url(); ?>patient/listpatient"<?phpif($this->uri->segment(1)=="menu_name"){echo'class="active"';}?> ><iclass="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt fa-lg"></i> List Patients </a></li><?phpif( $usertype == "Admin"){?><li><ahref="<?phpecho base_url(); ?>user/"<?phpif($this->uri->segment(1)=="menu_name"){echo'class="active"';}?> ><iclass="fa fa-list fa-lg"></i> List Users </a></li>

Solution 2:

I do this on most projects. How I achieve this is like this;

<ahref="<?phpecho site_url('patient/listpatient'); ?>"class="<?phpif($this->uri->uri_string() == 'patient/listpatient') { echo'active'; } ?>"><iclass="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt fa-lg"></i> List Patients</a>

It's matching the current uri string, with the links href. If it matches, it add's an active class to the link.

Hope this helps.

I have also used site_url over base_url

Solution 3:

Try this one. I think no need of javascript or jquery.

If you are using codeigniter then you can use URI Class. Get the menu from url using


and apply to you code like below

<li><ahref="<?phpecho base_url(); ?>patient/listpatient"><iclass="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt fa-lg <?phpif($this->uri->segment(1)=="memu_name"){echo"active";}?>"></i> List Patients </a></li>

Solution 4:

I have used Codeigniter URI Class $this->uri->segment();

Please look at my code:

<liclass="<?=($this->uri->segment(1)==='technology')?'active':''?>"><ahref="<?phpecho base_url('technology')?>">Tech</a></li>

Please note....


Also you can use URI Class $this->uri->uri_string()

Here is my active class for home page(index)

<liclass="<?=($this->uri->uri_string()=== '')?'active':''?>"><ahref="<?phpecho base_url('')?>">Home</a></li>

Solution 5:

<ahref="<?=site_url('contact')?>"<?phpif($this->uri->segment(1)=="contact") {echo'class="active nav__item-link"';}?>class="nav__item-link">Contact Us</a>

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