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Cakephp 3.0 Change Or Remove Wrapping Div On Input Form

I am trying to remove or change the wrapping div that CakePHP uses on its form helper. When I use this code: echo $this->Form->input('contact', ['label' => false]); The

Solution 1:

I'm working with a UI purchased and there have been several problems with cakephp3. For me it is not so easy to remove the <div> initial, most to the solution provided here, after much testing:

echo $this->Form->control('username', [
  'templates'     => ['inputContainer' => '{{content}}'],
  "type"          => "text",
  "aria-invalid"  => "false",
  "aria-required" => "true",
  "class"         => "form-control valid",
  "placeholder"   => "Ingrese su usuario o email ...",
  "autocomplete"  => "on",
  'label'         => false

the result

<input name="username" aria-invalid="false" aria-required="true" class="form-control valid" placeholder="Ingrese su usuario o email ..." autocomplete="on" id="username" type="text">

only adds an input tag (sorry for my Google-English)

Solution 2:

I think it is a better way to define the templates global in the config folder:

<?= $this->Form->create($user, array(
    "class" => "ui form", 
    "templates" => "semantic" // The filename in your config folder without .php
)); ?>

In the config folder create the file "semantic.php" (You can name it to whatever you want) with the content:

return array(
    "inputContainer" => '{{content}}' // Here the magic happens

Hope this helps!

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