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Change Image OnClick For A Set Amount Of Time

I have 3 images that I switch between. Goal: First I want to show the happy face image. When the user clicks on the happy face image I want to change it to a sad face image for 1

Solution 1:

you can use setTimeout(), make a function to reset image src, and use a timeout to call this function after 1s. Also to hide an element use .style.visibility = "hidden"

var counter = 0;
function resetImage(){
     document.getElementById("face").src = "";
     if(counter ===3)
       document.getElementById('face').style.visibility = "hidden";

function myTimer() {
  if (counter === 3 )
  {//Image should be hidden in 1 secound
	document.getElementById("face").src = " ";
     document.getElementById("face").src = "";
  }, 1000)
<img src="" id="face" onclick="setTimeout(myTimer, 1000);" style="width:100px;height:100px;"/>

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