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Remove Parent Without An Id Or Class Using JQuery

So I have some html that looks like the following:

Solution 1:

You can use this to reference to the button that was clicked inside the click handler.


function removeParent(buttonThatWasClicked){

Solution 2:

I would add a class to the buttons so the function does not get bound to every button on the page only the ones you would like it to.

<div class='something unknown' id='something unknown'>
  <button class="myClass">Remove me and my parent div</div>
<div class='something unknown' id='something unknown'>
  <button class="myClass" >Remove me and my parent div</div>

Then use the jquery class selector to bind a function that removes the parent.



Solution 3:

If you have onclick on HTML nodes (i.e. not set via jQuery):

<div class='classA' id='idA'>
  <button onclick='removeParent(this)'>Remove me and my parent div</div>
<div class='classB' id='idB'>
  <button onclick='removeParent(this)'>Remove me and my parent div</div>

then this will work:

removeParent = function(e) {

Working example:

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