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Overlapping Divs On The Right Edge Of The Page

I am having troubles for positioning a span with the watermark text on top of an input. The code using GWT+uibinder looks like that: and tra

Solution 1:

Check this fiddle, it's using absolute positioning.

edit Just another version doing the same thing

Solution 2:

If your problem is now that you want to display default text in a password box, but the password default text is unreadable, you will need to change your password input to be a normal text input before the user enters data.

Than, in your JavaScript, you can use the focus event to change it back to being a password-type input.

Try something like this:

   <script type="text/javascript">
      function changeToPassword() {
            .innerHTML = "<input id=\"password\" name=\"password\" type=\"password\"/>";
      <span id="passwordSpan">
         <input onfocus="return changeToPassword()" id="passwd" name="passwd" type="text" value="Type Password" />

Solution 3:

I have been able to solve it using a nice solution from here. The trick was to tag the container with a relative position style and the passwordbox and its span with absolute tags. It works with no need of specifying any position! (although I haven't tried with IE yet)

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