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How To Scroll Down The Page To View A Div In A Link Clicked

In my html page, there exists a link to sign up and a div which holds the signup form. LOGO

Solution 1:

To use just HTML, you can use an anchor tag.

<div><a id='form'></a>
  <form method="POST" action="signup.php">

Then your link will be the following: <a href="#form">Click here to sign up</a>

Explanation: That link goes to the a anchor tag with the id of form.

Solution 2:

Use the following,

<a href="index.html"><img src="images/logo2.png" alt="LOGO"></a>
<a href="#test">Sign Up</a>

<div id="test">
            <form method="POST" action="signup.php"> ... </form>

Solution 3:

By using simple HTML,using anchor tag you can scroll page to your SignUp div. "#" in href is used to redirect within the page. Hope this helps

<a href="#mySignUpDiv">Sign Up</a>

<div id="mySignUpDiv">

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