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How To Remove HTML Element Of String?

I want to remove HTML of string in Java.
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Date Created: 01/06/2014 07:55pm

Solution 1:

Maybe this will work:

String noHTMLString = htmlString.replaceAll("\\<.*?>","");

It uses regular expressions to remove all HTML tags in a string.

More specifically, it removes all XML like tags from a string. So <1234> will be removed even though it is not a valid HTML tag. But its good for most intents and purpouses.

Hope this helps.

This is actually dead simple with Jsoup.

public static String html2text(String html) {
    return Jsoup.parse(html).text();

Solution 2:

You can use Jsoup library for it.

String str="<h3>My Text</h3>";

The above code strip all htms tags and give text left as output

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